University of Information Technology

Performance and Reliability Analysis

Course Description

This course will introduce students to the design, analysis, and implementation of high performance computational science and engineering applications, and its usage in solving scientific problems.

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)

Upon the successful completion of this course, students should be able to:

  • Understand and apply course on performance analysis
  • Apply measurement, statistical modeling, experimental design, simulation, and queuing theory.
  • Understand how to avoid common mistakes in performance analysis.

Text and References Books

Text Books

  1. The art of computer systems performance analysis by Raj Jain
  2. Probability and statistics with reliability, Queuing and computer science application by K.s. Trivedi.

Reference Book

  1. David J. Lilija (2000) Measuring Computer Performance

Assessment system

Evaluation Marks Percentage
Class Participation 10 Marks 10%
Tutorial 10 Marks 10%
Assignments 10 Marks 10%
Presentation 10 Marks 10%
Final Examination 60 Marks 60%