University of Information Technology

Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing

Course Description

Mobile computing is the use of easily transported mobile devices carried by roaming users offer more computing power and functionalities, including sensing and providing location awareness. It has further permeated wireless network access. Nowadays, so-called WiFi hot spots at public places such as coffee houses, libraries, and airports are common. Users may connect to the Internet through this wireless network either gratis or for a fee. So, today mobile computing is the field of wireless communication and carry around computers, such as laptop computers, tablets. In some ways, the mobile computing field spun out of work initialized within the ubiquitous computing area.

This course explores the concept of mobile and ubiquitous computing, their architecture, basic and vision. Students will be gained knowledge about the context-aware life cycle and context adaptation. They also will be got knowledge about today emerging technologies of mobile computing. Moreover, other topics of current interest of mobile computing such as Android programming that is the world’s most popular operating system for mobile devices and tablets.

Course objectives are the following:

  • To know mobile computing principles and architecture.
  • To identify mobility management, GSM, and GPRS networks.
  • To explain the concept of how mobile computing help business to use information.
  • To classify the various types of networks used in mobile computing.
  • To design and develop a mobile application using android programming development.

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)

Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Identify the development challenges in mobile application and platforms.
  • Describe the design process and select the suitable communication channel in mobile environment
  • Design and develop a mobile application.
  • Get hands-on experience on programming applications for mobile devices that include the integration of sensed information.
  • Collaborate to work in small effective teams.
  • Discuss and present new mobile research topics and technologies in oral and written form.

Text and References Books


  1. “Mobile Computing – Technology, Application and Service Creation” by Asoke K Talukder, Hasan Ahmed and Roopa R Yavagal, First Edition, 2007.`45
  2. “Ubiquitous Computing: Smart Devices, Environments and Interactions” by Stefan Poslad, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2009.
  3. Mobile Cloud Computing Principles and Paradigms by Abhirup   Khanna, Sarishma, I.K International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 2016.


  1. “Ubiquitous Computing Fundamentals” by John Krumm, 2010.
  2. “Android Programming: The Big Nerg Ranch Guide” by Bill Phillips and Brian Hardy, First Edition, 2013.
  3. “J2ME: The Complete Reference” by James Keogh, 2003.

Assessment System

Evaluation Marks Percentage
Class Participation 10 Marks 10%
Tutorial 10 Marks 10%
Assignments/Discussions/Presentation 10 Marks 10%
Project 10 Marks 10%
Final Examination 60 Marks 60%