University of Information Technology

Advanced Engineering Mathematics

Course Description

This is a survey of several very useful Math Application areas including: Linear Differential Equations, Linear Algebra, Complex Functions and Probability and Statistics. This course is applied mathematics for computer scientists, physicists, mathematicians and engineers as well as members of other disciplines.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Upon the successful completion of this course, students should be able to:

  • solve various practical problems of computing.
  • solve linear ordinary differential equations and initial value problems much easier for problems in electrical networks, springs, mixing problems, signal processing.
  • apply the theoretical knowledge  in modern communication systems.
  • understand to use of appropriate computer software to solve systems of equations.
  • evaluate the solutions of wave, diffusion and Laplace equations.

Text and References Books


  1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics,10th Edition, Erwin Kreszig


  1. Higher Engineering Mathematics, 7th Edition, John Bird.
  2. Thomas’ Calculus, 12th Edition, G.B.Thomas, M.D.Weir, & J.R.Hass.
  3. Calculus for Scientists and Engineers, 2nd Edition, Briggs, Cochran and Gillett.

Assessment system

Evaluation Marks Percentage
Class Participation 10 Marks 10%
Tutorial 10 Marks 10%
Assignment 10 Marks 10%
Final Examination 70 Marks 70%