University of Information Technology

Database Management System

Course Description

This course is intended to provide an understanding of the theoretical and practical issues that influence the design and implementation of database management system. These include the Relational Model – relations, domains, attributes, keys, dependencies, normalization, relationship between relations, data models and data sublanguages. This course also intend to provide database system features of concurrency control and locking Recovery and security, and integrity of data management, transaction management, the database models, query optimizing strategies, object-oriented databases and new requirement of database systems.

This course intends to make student to

  • Discuss the role of a database management system in an Organization.
  • Demonstrate the logical database design principles, including E-R diagrams and database normalization.
  •  List and explain the fundamental concepts of a relational database system, including the structure and Operation of the relational data model.
  • Construct a relational database using a relational database package.
  • Apply a database using Structured Query Language (SQL).
  • Apply in a program that interacts with a DBMS server.

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)

On completion of this course students should be able to


  • Memorize a broad understanding of database concepts and database management system software
  • Illustrate a high-level understanding of major DBMS components and their function
  • Use database requirements and apply the entities involved in the system and their relationship to one another
  • Apply the application’s data requirements using conceptual modeling tools like ER diagrams and design database schemas based on the conceptual model.
  • Apply the SQL languages to create tables and indexes, insert/update/delete data, and query data in a relational DBMS.
  • Develop a database using a concurrency control and data recovery technique to manage the database system
  • Maintain data in the face of concurrent access and system failures
  • Act all activities related to maintaining a successful database environment as Database Administrator(DBA)

Text and References Books


  1. Database Management System, Third Edition By Raghu Ramakrishnan


  1. SQL Queries for Mere Motrals, second edition By John L.Viescas, Michael J.Hernandez
  2. Modern Database Management, Eleventh Edition By Jeffry A.Hoffer, V.Ramesh, Heikki Topi

Assessment System

Evaluation Marks Percentage
Tutorial 10 Marks 10%
Discussion/Assignments/Presentation 10 Marks 10%
Attendance 10 Marks 10%
Project 10 Marks 10%
Final Examination 60 Marks 60%