University of Information Technology

Basic Engineering Circuit

Course Description

The aims of this course are to develop:

  • The ability to interpret electric current and circuit, understand electric potential and potential difference, analyze circuit diagram, illustrate Ohm’s law, list factors on which the resistance of a conductor depends, discuss the resistance of a system of resistors, demonstrate heating effect of electric current and explain electric power.
  • An understanding of basic electrical circuit abstractions on which analysis and design of electrical and electronic circuits and systems are based, including lumped circuit, digital abstractions.
  • The ability to use abstractions to analyze and design simple electronic circuits.
  • The ability to formulate and solve the differential equations describing time behavior of circuits containing energy storage elements.
  • The ability to design and construct circuits, take measurements of circuit behavior and performance, compare with predicted circuit models and explain discrepancies.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Upon the successful completion of this course, students should be able to:

  • Learn how to develop and employ circuit models for elementary electronic components, e.g., resistors, sources;
  • Become adept at using various methods of circuit analysis, including simplified methods such as series-parallel reductions, voltage and current dividers, and the node method;
  • Appreciate the consequences of linearity, in particular the principle of superposition and Thevenin-Norton equivalent circuits;
  • Gain an intuitive understanding of the role of power flow and energy storage in electronic circuits;
  • Acquire experience in building and troubleshooting simple electronic analog and digital circuits.

Text and References Books


  1. Engineering Circuit Analysis (8th Edition), William H. Hayt, Jr., Jack E. Kemmerly and Steven M. Durbin
  2. Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits (8th Edition), Roland E. Thomas, Albert J. Rosa and Gregory J. Toussaint


  1. Circuit Analysis I with MATLAB, Steven T. Karris
  2. Introductory Circuit Analysis (3rd Edition), Boylestad

Assessment system

Evaluation Marks Percentage
Class Participation 10 Marks 10%
Tutorial 10 Marks 10%
Assignment 10 Marks 10%
Project 10 Marks 10%
Final Examination 60 Marks 60%