University of Information Technology

Multimedia Communications

Course Description

This course aims to facilitate the learning of the covered subjects by students of several disciplines such as multimedia signal communication, digital signal processing and networking. Moreover, this course may also be used by academic, institutional or industrial professionals, in order to support the development of multimedia communication systems.

 Multimedia signal processing and communications provide authoritative insight into recent developments in multimedia, digital communications, and networking services and technologies. The applications of multimedia signal processing in information and communication technology are pervasive and include multimedia technology, cellular mobile communication, adaptive network management, radar, pattern recognition, medical signal processing, financial data forecasting, artificial intelligence, decision making systems, control systems and search engines. The approach used in this course aims to provide an accessible text to the theory and applications of DSP. This is an ambitious task as signal processing covers such a wide range of topics that it would take several volumes to cover the entire subject area.

Supplying the students with the required foundation in these areas, it illustrates the means that will allow for improved digital communications and networks. It facilitates the understanding required to participate in the development of current and next generation multimedia signal processing and communication.

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)

  • Apply a practical understanding of the design and working of modern application of multimedia signal processing and communication.
  • Improve skills and knowledge in the covered fields.
  • Acquire the students with opportunity to take the initiative and develop independent project capability and creativity.
  • Identify problems of their own interest, tackle the problems from their own perspective, and gain hand-on experience.

Text and References Books


  1. “Applied Control Theory for Embedded Systems, Tim Wescott, ISBN-10:0750678399, ISBN-13:978-0750678391, 2006.”
  2. Modern Control Systems, Richard C. Dorf, Robert H. Bishop, 12th Edition, 2011, ISBN-13:978-0-13-602458-3, ISBN-10:978-0-13-602458-0.


  1. Control Systems Engineering, Norman S. Nise, ISBN, Sixth Edition: ISBN 13 978-0470-54756-4 ISBN 13 978-0470-91769-5, 2011.
  2. Control Systems Engineering by Norman S. Nise, Eight Edition, ISBN 9781119474210, 2019.
  3. Design of Embedded Control Systems, Marian Andrzej Adamski, Andrei Karatkevich, Marek Wegrzyn, ISBN-10: 0387236309 | ISBN-13: 978-0387236308 | Edition: 2005.
  4. Embedded Control System Design, A Model Based Approach, Alexandru Forrai, ISBN-10: 3642285945 | ISBN-13: 978-3642285943 | Edition: 2013.
  5. Exercises for Applied Control Theory for Embedded Systems:

Assessment System

Evaluation Marks Percentage
Tutorial 10 Marks 10%
Assignments/Project/Presentation 30 Marks 30%
Final Examination 60 Marks 60%