University of Information Technology

IT/IS Strategy, Management and Acquisition

Course Description

This course provides brief overview of Information Systems Strategy Triangle and IT governance and the detail planning process of Information System Strategy. The course aims for the students to know strategic alliances and to know how to use information resources strategically and to know how to make plan from Strategy to Architecture to Infrastructure by setting IT priorities.

The aims of this course are:

  • Learn brief overview of Information Systems Strategy Triangle and IT governance and the detailed planning process of Information System Strategy.
  • Know the current empirical and theoretical background to information systems, corporate strategy and IS strategy.
  • Study strategic alliances, techniques for information resources strategically and planning from Strategy to Architecture to Infrastructure by setting IT priorities.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Upon the successful completion of this course, students should be able to:

  • explain brief overview of Information Systems Strategy Triangle and IT governance and the detailed planning process of Information System Strategy.
  • apply the work design framework for the information technology that supports the communication and collaboration.
  • use the concepts of relationships between business strategy, information system strategy and organization strategy and explore the links between these strategies.
  • observe the basics of information architecture and infrastructure, the sourcing of information systems, the organization and governance of the MIS function.
  • analyze the issues in information strategy that are fully integrated with current thinking for management and acquisition.

Text and References Books


  1. Managing and Using Information Systems, A strategic approach, 4th Ed by Keri E. Pearlson and Carol S. Saunders
  2. The Adventure of an IT Leader, by Austin, Nolan, O’ Donnell
  3. A Practical Guide to Information Strategic Planning,2nd Edition by Anita Cassidy


  1. Strategic Management of Information Systems in Healthcare, Gordon D. Brown,
  2. Tamara T. Stone, and Timothy B. Patrick
  3. Information Systems Strategic Management, An integrated approach by Steve Clarke
  4. Strategic Management , Concepts and Cases by Fred R. David

Assessment system

Evaluation Marks Percentage
Attendance 10 Marks 10%
Presentation/Discussion 10 Marks 10%
Tutorial/Assignments 10 Marks 10%
Final Examination 70 Marks 70%